Art Exhibition 2022

A celebration of art and design at Sir John Deane's

Sir John Deane’s celebrated the hard work and dedication of Year 13 Art & Design students, with a special exhibition held at the College in July.

‘Masks Off’ showcased the huge collection of work from Art, Photography, 3D Design and Textiles students, many of which had been two years in the making.

The event attracted hundreds of parents, students and special guests from the local art community.

Simon Davies, Head of Art and Design at the College, said: “The exhibition was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate and reflect on the intense hard work that has gone in to each piece – there was a lot of positive energy on the night.

“It was also great to finally meet parents, and we even got to meet some of those who had been painted or photographed in the students work.

“There was definitely a more personal feel to the art this year, because students were having to work more independently as a result of the pandemic.”